I’m Amelia. For a long time, I lived feeling dissatisfied with my body, and honestly, I couldn’t understand what had gone wrong. After my daughter Sofia was born, everything changed. The body I used to love had completely transformed, and I no longer knew how to deal with it.
I was overweight, my belly was sagging, and cellulite seemed to be everywhere. I spent years trying to get my shape back, trying everything – diets, workouts, miracle pills – but nothing seemed to work. The weight just kept coming back, and suddenly, it felt like my life was revolving around everything except myself.
Motherhood became my priority, but I felt exhausted, low on energy, and my self-esteem took a dive. I wanted to be the perfect mom, but I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror and like what I saw. Intimacy with my husband was one of the first things to disappear,and I began to feel sad about the situation.